An easy workaround is to modify your install iso to contain the drivers. Here's how:
- Download a newish Debian install iso.
- Mount the install iso:
- mkdir cdrom
- mount -o loop debian-testing-amd64-CD-1.iso cdrom
- Copy the files:
- mkdir isocopy
- cp -av cdrom isocopy
- Download the appropriate firmware package for your installation, such as
- Extract the drivers and copy into your new iso:
- dpkg-deb -x firmware-bnx2_0.16_all.deb firmware
- cp firmware/lib/firmware/* isocopy/cdrom
- Build a new iso:
- cd isocopy/cdrom
- mkisofs -o ../modified-debian.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -R -V disks .
- Done, let's look at our new iso:
- cd ..
- ls modified-debian.iso
You can now burn this iso to a CD or use it as virtual media.
There's one final step, which is getting the OS to see the firmware drivers.
Once booted to the new ISO, you need to immediately switch to another console and copy the files over before the installer looks for them:
- mkdir lib/firmware
- cp /cdrom/*.fw lib/firmware